Монгол Улс Улаанбаатар хот Хан-Уул дүүрэг
Greetings of the day,
Mongolia V.E.T. Net focuses on the Veterinary and Education Sector in Mongolia.
We work to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of the veterinarians, support thedevelopment of private veterinary practices, equip and improve the techniques and technologiesof the private veterinary practices, provide an ongoing supply of modern, high quality westernmedicine - drugs and equipment for the veterinary sector in Mongolia.
“Enerekh” Small and Large Animal Clinic and Training Centers have been operating in theCapital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar city. This enables veterinary school students and veterinariansof Mongolia to get a hands-on training along with the professional, academic trainings that areconducted by our national and international professionals. We initiate and implement a variety of development projects and programs for farmers, herdersand veterinarians, and often work along side other development agencies and organizations.
We also initiate and implement education projects and programs in rural areas of Mongolia. Thelong and short-term trainings and projects include but not limited to: summer pre-school andkindergarten, English language for children and adults, literacy trainings, computer trainings,dance, song and musical instrument classes, chess training, character trait sessions, andleadership trainings. The local government and the local organizations appreciate our programsand they are very supportive of our activities in their motherland.
Distance Master’s Program is one of our highlights in this sector. Several Universities in theUSA are partnering in the Distance Master’s program. We also have conversational Englishlanguage classes and small and large animal clubs available for the veterinary school students tobecome involved.
I am sure you will get more detailed information about us, our vision, goals and activitiesthroughout our website. Our doors are always open for those who are interested in partneringwith us and who have the same purposes and values.
Best regards,
Executive Director of MONGOLIA V.E.T. NET